The persistent rise in the prices of food items is something everyone grapples with on a daily. Gone are the days one can plan on weekly food spend or put together a feasible grocery budget before heading to the market. You either get more money to complete your shopping or you head home with whatever you could get with the money you have; and times are getting steepier by the day.
Today is literarily one of the hardest times to have many mouths to feed and it is surely not a time to waste food.
In my new blog series, join me to look at some cost effective food preservation and storage methods for specific kinds of food. Such knowledge will surely come in handy. You’ll either get richer or healthier.
In the first post of the series, let us look at some items you need to have in order to begin an effective food preservation journey. Our goal is keep excess food fresh and uncontaminated with the same taste, flavour and quality. This will enable us buy food cheaper in large quantities while they’re in season since we now know how to store them better. We will also look at some general tips for food preservation and storage.
The post How To Preserve And Store Food appeared first on Foodie!.